
Travel Update!

After seemingly days of travel and delays, we seem to be making headway. The crew have all made Moscow safely and are now slowly saying their long goodbyes before jumping on to different flights to the US. We have people leaving to connect with various flights from New York or LA, so lots of travel still ahead. We’ve also said our farewell to our Russian and European based colleagues already.  Generally, people are tired and becoming desperate for fresh fruits and salads but everyone is still upbeat and excited! Amazing. The science discussions continue but have changed to a more reflective mood.. as well as lots of great ideas and thoughts about how we can make things even better next year!
Not long now although many more hours to go…


  1. Tom Benjamin says

    Paul – Would you tell us more about the methods and results of your research – or where we can read about the same?
    Thank you so much.
    Tom Benjamin

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