Just about ready..

So I think I’m pretty packed and ready! More than anything I’m excited to finally begin this experience! It finally hit me that I’m GOING TO SIBERIA tomorrow morning!  How many people get to say that? Packing was somewhat difficult, it being hard to pack ‘light’ for a 3-week trip into western Siberia but I think I’m just under the limit!  Similar to Kate, I’m really looking forward to meeting all of the other participants in New York and have been reading quite a bit about the gulag camps and the history of the Kolyma Region. Not only is this expedition of scientific nature but also a real cultural excursion. I’m excited to see the ‘real’ Russia beyond Red Square and experience the changes this region has been through during the last two decades, both in terms of science and culture. Safe traveling everyone and see you all tomorrow morning!

Boyd Zapatka


  1. Susan Carp says

    Hi Boyd. We wanted you to know we are thinking about you! Where are you NOW?

  2. boyd.zapatka says

    Im in Cherskiy! Glad to hear you are keeping up! Look for more posts later!

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