Hello from Yakutsk


Greetings from Yakutsk! We arrived here around 5:00 AM local time and are staying in a hotel next to the airport. During the past two days, those of us from the West Coast have flown on four planes across seventeen time zones. All the travel and time changes have left us feeling a bit jetlagged, but at the same time we’re all excited about getting closer to Cherskiy.

Even though we’re not as far north as our final destination, it’s light nearly all the time. During the plane ride to here, we were able to witness a beautiful sunrise and sunset. It was surprising how early the sunrise was- 3:00 AM. Once we get to Cherskiy, the sun won’t set at all until later in July.


  1. Debbie Denfeld says

    Glad to hear all are well and the travels going as planned.
    The city of Yakutsk is interesting as explained in the URL below.


    Did you make it to the permafrost museum?

    Safe travels on the next leg of your journey to the research vessel.

  2. Carl Janicek says

    Regarding the Jetlag… Max Janicek has a homeopathic medicine kit that includes Arnica… if feeling a chill use Aconite instead …. both a natural and safe herbal remedy… useful for trauma and jetlag… about 2-3 of tiny pills in a glass of water will help… take upon arising or before sleep… for a day or two… Safe travels!

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