Counting Down the Days

As I count down the days until we leave for the trip (as of today twelve), I am occupied with packing, reading and preparing. Last week I had the chance to meet with Principle Investigators Bill Sobczak and Karen Frey to discuss general plans for sampling this summer. From last summer’s experience I learned that plans must be made with flexibility when working in such a remote location. This summer I plan to continue stream and river survey biogeochemistry collections (DOC, nutrients, absorbance etc.) with the addition of a new measurement for pCO2. This measurement accounts for the CO2 movement between water and the atmosphere. By measuring alkalinity and pH while in the field pCO2 can be calculated in the lab. While meeting with Bill I was able to familiarize myself with the Hach Digital Titrator, which I will use to measure alkalinity. I look forward to continuing to build off the skills I learned last summer and to learn new sampling techniques.

On another note I have begun to get all my gear together to pack. I plan to bring a big container of peanut butter, as last year there was only one jar in which we had to ration off for the whole month. I brought a fishing pole last year that I hope is still at the station. I have to redeem myself this summer as I came up empty handed last summer. (Kate, I look forward to learning how to flyfish, maybe I will have better luck at that). On my wish list from last summer were shoe/sandals that were easy to slip on with socks and durable for walking on the barge and to the labs, a hooded sweater and gloves that were better fitted to my hand so that I could filter samples while wearing them.

I wish everyone the best with preparing for the trip. See you all soon!



  1. Max Holmes says

    From one fisherman to another. On a scientific expedition, fishing should be referred to as “upper trophic level sampling” 🙂

    Can’t look like we’re actually enjoying ourselves!

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