We made it!

It’s amazing how easily we take simple things for granted—say, for example, a flat surface to sleep on. Last night, after 68 hours of traveling, there was nothing I wanted more than to crash in my bunk, and that is precisely what I did. Others took showers and what not, but I lacked the stamina. A few short minutes after luxuriously stretching out on my top bunk I was fast asleep and remained so for the duration of the night, despite the fact that it is constantly light out.

This morning we have started getting acquainted with the station and are looking forward to exploring some of the study sites. After all the anticipation we are finally in Cherskiy and ready for the adventures to begin!

The view of home

The view of home



  1. Debbie Rodenhizer says

    Glad you made it safely to Siberia and got a good night’s sleep! Is that your drawing?

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